Pilots and Airmen of the 18th Wing killed in combat are listed in italics-bold faced.
Baade, J.L.
Baardseth, Albert R.
Babasa, Capt. Joseph Mathews, Jr.
Babcock, Robert
Babcock, Warren E.
Bach, George A.
Backman, Dale F.
Bacola, Simon
Bade, Jack
Badger, Thomas
Bails, Richard L.
Bailey, Gayle M.
Bailey, Kenneth F.
Baird, Floyd C.
Baird, James K.
Baker, Buford O.
Baker, David
Baker, Donald
Baker, Robert H.
Baldauf, Eugene J.
Baldwin, Ernest A.
Baldwin, Rexford
Bales, George C.
Ball, Harlan E.
Ball, Jackson W.
Ballard, Dewey E.
Ballhousen, G.W.
Banasky, George E.
Banfield, Kenneth C.
Bannon, Gerald P.
Barbee, Joe. D.
Barber, B.J.
Barber, H. S. J.
Barber, James L.
Barber, Kenneth H.
Barber, William R.
Bardwell, Rex E.
Barhaugh, John H.
Barker, W.
Barmore, Jan W.
Barnard, Bruce
Barnes, Jack D.
Barnes, J.R.
Barnes, Lee
Barnes, Rufus R., Jr.
Barnes, Sam
Barnhill, Robert W.
Barr, Edgar E.
Barringer, John E.
Barrow, C.D.
Barrow, Leonard J. Jr.
Barry, Lavern
Bartell, Ray R.
Bartholoma, John H.
Bartlett, Jack R.
Bartley, Joseph R.
Bartolich, Eugene
Bartow, Michael H.
Basham, Bill
Basista, John J.
Baskin, Homer R.
Bassing, Joseph E.
Batchelder, John H.
Bates, Allen S.
Batsel, Lee H.
Baughn, Richard
Bauman, Vince A.
Baumann, Ervin M.
Baxter, Walter H., III
Baxter,Thurston Richard
Beachler, Rob
Beadle, Glenn J.
Beals, William R.
Beamer, Harry R.
Beamer, James I.
Beamish, A. R.
Beauregard, Clarence
Beauregtard, Victor
Beaver, Charles R.
Bechtel, Paul S.
Beck, Howard G.
Becraft, Myron A.
Bedford, Donald R.
Bedford, Ross J.
Beeler, Clifford H.
Beggs, Cecil R.
Begley, W.R.
Beinkemper, Elmer H.
Bekker, F. N.
Belanger, Donald H.
Bell, Frank G.
Bell, John
Bell, J.P.
Bell, Roy E.
Bellows, 1st Lt. James Mayo, Jr.
Benavidez, A.C.
Beneke, Capt. Walter C., Jr. “Tex”
Benner, Jack
Bennett, Chauncey A.
Benoit, Ben R.
Benson, Richard V.
Benson, Robert D.
Bentley, Ellis
Berkes, Thomas D.
Berkow, Joe
Berna, Peter P.
Bernard, John A.
Berry, C. L.
Bertrand, Richard E.
Bethke, Floyd E.
Betz, John C.
Bever, William C.
Bickel, David W.
Bidgood, P. E.
Biederstadt, Roger
Bielefeldt, Vilas L.
Bierbaum, Henry
Biggs, Ernest E.
Bilgnaut, H. P.
Bingham, Victoria
Biondo, Michael
Birch, George
Birch, George A., Jr.
Birk, Leroy, A.
Bishop, Charles J.
Bishop, Ken
Bissett, R. G.
Bist, Stan J.
Biteman, Duane E. “Bud”
Bitzer, Medon Armin
Bjorklund, Frans W.
Blaauw, J. P. D.
Black, Elbert D.
Black, Fred E.
Black, Winston S.
Blackley, Peter
Blackwell, F.B.
Blackwell, Walter S.
Blair, James Birney
Blake, Louis B.
Blakeney, Lewis
Bland, J.D.
Blandford-Newton, J. A.
Blank, H.P.
Blank, Robert R.
Blankenship, Jack B.
Blatt, John M.
Bledsoe, Clayton C.
Blesse, Frederick C. “Boots”
Blood, Ralph
Bloodworth, William
Blose, James W.
Blum, Caroll A.
Bocquin, Victor E.
Bodak, John
Bodiford, Hugh
Bodine, Francis S.
Boehm, John L.
Boerner, Charles E., Jr.
Boeye, John F.
Boggan, Johnie J.
Boggs, Thomas, Jr.
Bohrer, John W.
Boisen, Martin H.
Boland, Lawrence J.
Boles, C.L.
Bolin, David L.
Bolitho, John C.
Bollinger, Robert M.
Bolton, H. N.
Bolton, James C.
Bonanno, Frederick Ramon
Bond, Roy S.
Bonham, Earl I.
Bonk, Eugene
Bonner, Frederick M.
Boone, Robert
Borders, Andrew J.
Bordley, Arthur B.
Borges, Peter
Boriss, Frank H.
Borman, Frank
Borman, Fred A.
Borsare, Edward F.
Bortner, Jon J.
Bos, Earl B.
Bosak, Edward M.
Bosch, A. C. J.
Bosman, J. J.
Botha, J. C.
Botha, M. C.
Botha, W. P. B.
Bothwell, James W.
Bott, M.S.
Boucek, James A.
Boucher, Gerald V.
Boudreaux, Adam J.
Bough, Stan G.
Bourne, Sam L.
Bowers, Charles J.
Bowers, Richard W.
Bowman, Byran
Bowthorpe, Ben
Boyd, Percy K.
Boynton, Maynard A.
Bozeman, Wallace H.
Bracey, H.N., Jr.
Bracke, George P.
Bradford, Lee W.
Bradfute, Roland G.
Bradley, Charles H.
Bradley, John L.
Bragg, Ceibert O.
Braley, Alfred R.
Branch, Alva G.
Brannon, Gerald
Brass, Ernest H., Jr.
Bratcher, Thomas
Brazelton, Leonard G.
Brazill, William R.
Bresko, Joseph T.
Brett, Devol “Rock”
Bretting, Martin M.
Brewer, Edwin H.
Brewer, Owen T., Jr.
Brewster, Gordon F.
Bridges, Dewey R.
Bridges, William D. Jr.
Brinkmeyer, Vernon
Bristow, Henry C.
Britten, Morton D.
Britton, Louis E.
Britzke, John
Brizzi, Vincent H.
Broberg, Melvin E.
Brock, Foster D.
Brooks, Bruce J.
Brooks, David H.
Brooks, H. J.
Brooks, James W.
Brothers, Thomas J.
Broughton, Arthur
Brown, Cliff
Brown, D. M.
Brown, Donald S.
Brown, Elwood E.
Brown, Harvey L.
Brown, Jack F.
Brown, James D.
Brown, Jeff “Jiffy”
Brown, John
Brown, Norwood J.
Brown, Richard G.
Brown, Robert C.
Brown, W.C., Jr.
Brown, Warren G.
Brown, Willis Ray
Bruce, Jim
Bruce, Leonard K.
Bruce, Lloyd
Brumskin, J.A.
Brunner, Loren
Brunke, Charles R.
Bruno, Romano
Brunson, J. T.
Bruska, Ed
Bruton, Earl D.
Bryan, Frank T.
Bryan, William E., Jr.
Bryan, William F.
Bryant, Lynwood C.
Bryant, Wylie L.
Bublinec, Frank
Buchanan, Riley
Buchanan, Riley
Buck, A. J.
Buckley, Donald I.
Bughman, Niles J.
Buie, Archie
Buie, Archie P., Jr.
Bullard, Exum F.
Bullock, A.W.
Bunderson, Mack V.
Bunn, Russell A
Bunting, Dr. John J.
Burge, Homer O.
Burger, C. E. R.
Burger, H.J.P.
Burger, W. J. W.
Burgess, Benjamin F.
Burke, Clarence L.
Burke, Joseph
Burke, Vernon W.
Burke, Walter H.
Burnell, Everett O.
Burkett, Marvin V.
Burkett, William M.
Burnett, Clifford H.
Burnette, Dewey W.
Burnette, Walter N.
Burnley, Robert S.
Burns, Allen A.
Burnsed, M/Sgt
Burpee, Chas. D., Jr.
Busby, Ernest C.
Busher, C. J.
Bushlow, Anthony J.
Bussio, L. F.
Bustamante, Benito
Butcher, James L.
Butler, James J.
Butler, Jerome F.
Butler, Merwin
Butler, T. C.
Buttry, Paul D.
Buttyan, Eugene C.
Buzze, Frank C.
Byers, James L.
Byers, Rex A.
Bynum, Richard E., Jr.
Byrd, Crawford
Byrd, Kenneth E.
Byrne, Ronald E., Jr.
Byrnes, Robert
Byrom, Richard